I’d Rather be Riding

I think most equestrians would rather be riding, or at least milling about around horses.

Riding in the summer would be even better

The end of school semester crazies have started, and I’m finding that I’m getting bogged down with final assignments and essays, group projects (only one left!), and contemplating about studying for final exams.

I finished my last midterm this past week, which was horrendously late in the term for a midterm. At least they are all finished now, and I’m feeling quite confident with how I did on this last one.

As hard as it is to believe, there are only 4 weeks left of this semester, which means that I have 8 days worth of classes left. Not that I’m counting or anything.

As it’s finally starting to look like spring, with the last mounds of snow slowly disappearing, and blue sky speckled with white fluffy clouds, and birds making a symphony of sounds, I’m only too glad to welcome its arrival. Of course, I’m now yearning to ride more, to be outside longer, and to not be cooped up in windowless classrooms (honestly, why do they not put windows in the classrooms?).

With the nearing of spring, daylight savings brings sunny evenings and late stays at the barn

I’d much rather be riding than working on assignments. Just “horsing around” – as my brothers say anytime I’m going to the barn, with a look that seems to inquire when will I lose interest in them – would be a vast improvement to sitting inside.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy school, I love learning and meeting new people, but sometimes it all gets a bit much. I can’t wait for this semester to be over, and for the only thing to be on my mind is horses and shows (and work, I suppose. I can’t get out of that).

For now, I’m still in school, I still have assignments to do, and exams to study for. But, I’d still rather be riding.

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